For Investors
Invest in Figure HELOCs
Figure HELOCs offer investors a diversified and attractive risk-adjusted return in today's market environment. Access high-quality assets via flexible investment opportunities catered to your institution's financial goals.
Higher yields
Low correlation
Featured in
Figure has been originating HELOCs since 2018
funded since inception
households served with Figure's platform
states served
Strategic Partner Benefits
Investors have access to 5, 10, 15, and 30-year duration HELOCs
- High WA FICO
- 100% verified income
- Risk-based fraud tools deployed at time of application
- Low CDR
Figure's processes are fully automated
- Speedy underwriting process, enabled by blockchain, provides a secure, transparent, and fast experience for borrowers
- Investors have plug and play access to portfolio monitoring and custom reporting
Figure offers flexible solutions to diversify your portfolio
- Pool sales
- Forward flow
- Access to Figure's securitization program
Partner with us
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